How to borrow asset & repay debt

Below are the key steps on how to borrow asset & repay debt at xBank. After going through this guide, we also highly encourage you to read how liquidation is carried out at xBank here.

How to borrow asset:

Step 1: To borrow asset at xBank, you must first put up your deposit as collateral. Please click here to learn how to deposit and here on how to collateralize your deposit.

Step 2: Click on the asset that you wish to borrow under the "Borrow Markets" section.

Step 3: Then, you will find a pop-up of a box. Specify the amount of asset you would like to borrow and then click the "BORROW" button. Note that if this is your first time borrowing the asset, you may need to enable the asset first.

Step 4: Then, a notification from ArgentX will prompt you to sign the transaction. Click "Sign" to proceed with the transaction. Once done, your transaction will be submitted for execution. Please wait for a few moments, and you should see the borrowed asset in your wallet.

How to repay debt:

Step 1: Click on the asset that you wish to repay under the "Borrow Markets" section.

Step 2: Then, you will find a pop-up of a box. Make sure to click the "REPAY" tab at the top first. Then, Specify the amount of debt you would like to repay and then click the "REPAY" button.

Step 3: Then, a notification from ArgentX will prompt you to sign the transaction. Click "Sign" to proceed with the transaction. Once done, your transaction will be submitted. Please wait for a few moments for transaction to be executed, and your debt should be successfully repaid

Last updated